Trusting in those you love
Our Lasting Power of Attorney Service puts your finances and future wellbeing in the hands of those you trust the most
Lasting Power of Attorney
Property and Finance
This is a document that you sign to appoint somebody to act for you should you for any reason become unable to manage your own financial affairs. This type of LPA is very important if you loose mental capacity and have joint asset, as without a property and financial affairs LPA;
You may be unable to access joint bank accounts
You will be unable to sell your home
Your loved ones will be unable to pay bills on your behalf
You will be unable to re-finance your house if you own it jointly
Loved ones will be unable to access your pension or benefits for you.
Health & Welfare
This is a document that you sign to appoint somebody to act for you should you for any reason become unable to make important decisions over your health and welfare , including giving or refusing certain types of medical care and the choice of care home. If you do not have a heath and welfare LPA;
Your loved ones will be unable to move you to a new care home
Your choices over whether to be given life sustaining treatment will be decided by doctors alone
Your loved ones will be unable to decide where you live
The legal paperwork
Provide the names and addresses for the following people
A Donor - this is you , the person making the lasting power of attorney
A Certificate Provider - this should be someone who's known you for some time and can confirm you have mental capacity
Attorney(s) - the person(s) you choose to act on your behalf should you loose mental capacity
Replacement Attorney(s) - a substitute for your named attorney(s) if they should pass away or be unable to act

We do the Rest
Call us on 01604 717194 or enter your details here and we’ll arrange for a convenient home visit, telephone or internet video appointment with one of our expert team.
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